Monthly Archives: March 2010

Feed Your Head

With all the rain and me still in pain we decided to go see Tim Burton’s Alice in Wonderland in 3D. Big mistake and serious waste of time. I wish I’d taken pain meds before I left.

The 3D really sucked the life out of what I believe would be much better when you can actually see and appreciate the scenery and pay attention to the performances as opposed to fucking with the glasses to see if they’re the cause of all the blurry CGI. I don’t think Tim Burton did this intentionally.

Oh well…still a nice day with a great lunch at Russel Street BBQ before heading home to cut the hair and get ready for another long week.

The Director search is finally getting underway so I’ll have plenty to keep me busy for the next few months.

And…we get to see Nellie McKay on Wednesday!! Woot!

Winter Returns…briefly

Saturday was 66 degrees and sunny…Sunday 58 and sunny. The clouds moved in Sunday afternoon but it was still warm and dry.

Right now…33 degrees and this…

Like they say…if you don’t like the weather in Oregon…wait 5 minutes.

This has been an unbelievable weather year. Fortunately…it’s been good for Oregon…for the most part.

Spring Migration at Sauvie Island

While we were in CA last week, Mark’s cousin posted on Facebook that she’d been out to Sauvie Island for the migration where she saw numerous Bald Eagles and Sandhill Cranes among other, more common migrants like Canadian and Snow Geese (no doubt waiting for the Olympics to close so they could return to their usual nesting grounds) and Tundra Swans. It gave me something to look forward to in the final days of our vacation.

Today, with unseasonably warm temperatures and clear skies, we packed up the dog and spotting scope and headed to the Island to enjoy the wonderful call of the Sandhills and the drama of thousands of geese taking to the skies every time an Eagle swooped toward their massive flocks.

Not far into the journey we spotted a tree with three Bald Eagles, a male, a female and a juvenile sitting and preening after a morning of hunting.

A closer view of the adult male. I wish I’d rented a larger lens!

At the viewing platform, we saw a few Sandhill cranes but mostly just ducks and coots. We usually see a number of swans and snow geese here but none today. A little farther down the road we found a large flock of cranes feeding near a lake and were lucky enough to catch a few mating dances. This always makes me feel like I’m watching a National Geographic documentary.

On the other side of the levy, numerous Tundra Swans were feeding and preening. They’re so large that when they dive to feed, their backsides sticking strait up look like a floating wedding cakes.Unfortunately, no pics. Like I said…I needed the larger lens.

We took a break to give Mac a good workout at the river.

He was enjoying working with his favorite duck.

On our way back we finally found a large flock of snow geese. They were a ways from the road but with the scope we were able to get some pretty good views and saw more Sandhill Cranes feeding among them.

It was then that we noticed that the colony of nests high in the trees were all occupied.

With the sun behind them it was hard to make out what birds were nesting there but again…the scope came in handy and we were surprised to find that each nest contained a Great Blue Heron. Admittedly, we’re novice birders and just assumed the Herons nested on the ground. After all…we only see them in wetlands and usually alone. To find they were nesting in a colony, 60 feet up in the trees, was a revelation. We couldn’t wait to get home and research this. After all…we were looking at more Herons in one view of the scope than we usually see in a whole season. It was a fascinating experience.

Click on the pic and you’ll see virtually every nest is occupied.

Unfortunately, we didn’t see nearly as many Kestrels as Nancy saw last weekend but then, with so many Bald Eagles around we weren’t tuned in to the smaller raptors. All in all a good day for us and for Mac!

Isn’t he handsome?!!