Daily Archives: March 23, 2007

The Culprit

 Here it is….


…the cause of my absence in all it’s 850+ pages of glory. It doesn’t look like much sitting there on the desk but the work that goes into creating this massive grant started over 6 months ago and culminated in 12 straight days of 12 to 14 hours each. After reading and re-reading all these projects both biomedical and non-biomedical dealing with biomarkers, biosensors and bioremediation, they should offer me a PhD!

Now we wait, and hopefully we’ll hear some good news come October when the initial review and scoring should be complete. Until then…I leave you with one more shot. I put a drink can next to it for perspective.


(I guess I should have turned the can and not created a Pepsi commercial. Oh well…my brain it tired.)